_What are Workspaces?

  • 15 April 2022
  • 0 replies
_What are Workspaces?
Userlevel 4

Customer Intelligence is a team sport. Organizations need to align from product to engineering to data science to marketing, to sometimes even their dogs (who else will do the whining for you?)!

This is where involve.ai’s Workspaces can help. It’s a shared view of tasks and notes that make it easy to both track customers’ health along with what each team member is doing to impact that health score. Workspaces enables users to review involve.ai’s insights and suggestions for specific customers, create tasks around those suggestions, assign them to team members along with timelines , and track progress in real time. 


If needed, you can further use the templates provided within the product, built to support teams through various stages of their customers’ journeys and different components of their Customer Intelligence work.

And, as the involve.ai team has found, Workspaces isn’t limited to CI work - we use them for managing day-to-day tasks (send an email, plan that happy hour), running 1:1s with team members, or just creating our own spaces to write notes and prioritize.

Some of our most successful workspace templates include:

  1. Customer Onboarding
  2. Growth vs Churn Risk Customers
  3. Customer QBR/EBR
  4. Renewals & Referrals 
  5. My Task Management

If you would like to learn more, feel free to reach out to our team. We would be happy to further walk you through what we do to make sure our customers are happy and, more importantly, successful!

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