After reviewing Involve 101 parts 1-3, you should have a well-rounded understanding of
- What Customer Intelligence is and why it’s important
- How can help you in your role
- How to navigate through and take action in the platform.
Now it’s time for a knowledge check!
If you have already been invited by your admin into your platform, log into your dashboard and follow the guided onboarding to earn your Learner, Champion and Pro badges. These step-by-step prompts will walk you through actions based on the content you learned from the above guides.
If the onboarding doesn’t automatically launch for you, click the dog/question mark icon in the lower right corner of your dashboard, then select “Your Onboarding Progress.”
Total time: 5-10 minutes per badge.
Share your knowledge back
Post one question or comment in the CI.ty based on what you’ve learned. To do so, click + Create a Post in the upper right corner of your current screen.

This will open the option to post a question or conversation. Enter a name for your topic, and write your question or thought, and then choose whichever of the CI.ty conversations to which it most closely aligns.

You have COMPLETED Involve 101 Training!